Giants Grove New Years Day 2021

Giants Grove New Years Day 2021

Phew! 2020 is over. While all our lives are changed dramatically in 2021. The virus had very little impact on the Giants Grove. I saw the site a lot less, and an interesting Trinity College University study had to be postponed, because of the lockdowns, but nature,...
The Environmental Benefits of the Giants Grove

The Environmental Benefits of the Giants Grove

The Giants Grove is a remarkable project – the establishment of an 8 hectare woodland dominated by the world’s largest trees, the worlds largest organism by volume, that will take 1200 years to mature, is really something special. But the Giants Grove is so much more...
The Giants Grove, a Foresters Update

The Giants Grove, a Foresters Update

Well we are almost ready to begin planting of the Giants Grove, as scheduled, in late March/early April. The ground clearance carried-out in the autumn was a huge success, and we are now ready to begin the establishment works. The Planting was always scheduled to be...
Giants Grove Update

Giants Grove Update

The trees at the Giants Grove have now completed their first growing season, and I am delighted at how the site performed. All of the little Giants are alive and well, and showed good growth and vigour, while the inter-planted nurse species have a 97% strike-rate....
Heat wave in Giants Grove

Heat wave in Giants Grove

I predicted a challenging summer 2018 for the Giants Grove, but who could have foreseen the form it would take – the driest June in nearly 80 years, and no end in sight. Ireland is experiencing a heatwave, and while most of the Irish are enjoying the sunshine, I’m...
Giants Grove Forest Maintenance

Giants Grove Forest Maintenance

Over 500 years ago Chaucer wrote that ‘an ook cometh of a litel spyr’, and although the language has changed, it is still true that tall oaks from little acorns grow. Of course it’s not only oaks but all the majestic trees we see today had humble beginnings, and it’ll...