The Environmental Benefits of the Giants Grove

Written by Sean

September 29, 2020

The Giants Grove is a remarkable project – the establishment of an 8 hectare woodland dominated by the world’s largest trees, the worlds largest organism by volume, that will take 1200 years to mature, is really something special. But the Giants Grove is so much more than just Redwoods, the project has been carefully planned to be of enormous benefit to the environment, across a wide range of aspects.

The Redwoods will be widely-spaced, dotted amongst a native woodland, consisting of Oak, Ash, Birch, Hazel and Scot’s pine, with some Alder, Rowan, Hazel, Holly, Juniper and Spindle. It will provide food and cover for a range of wildlife due to its well-developed canopy structure. It will also be surrounded by existing native woodland, providing essential connectivity between 300+ Hectares. It will have a pond, waterways, open-space, retained hedgerows and deadwood, and will support fungus, lichen, flora and fauna. As regards aesthetics, amenity and biodiversity, the Giants Grove will be truly unique.

The Giants Grove Project is a partnership between Birr Castle Estate and Crann

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